
Crusaders for Christ is a 501(c) tax deductible, non-profit ministry, that has been committed to glorifying God and promoting Christianity on outdoor billboards, 24/7 since 1996.

The billboards are displayed year-round and 100% of your donations are used for the cost of the billboards.

The number of messages proclaimed on billboards depends on the funds raised.

Become a financial and evangelical partner. Together we can set the stage for God to reach many.

Crusaders for Christ Billboard Ministry needs:
  • Christians that believe using billboards is an effective way to sow seeds for a spiritual awakening.
  • Christians that believe the billboards warn or remind travelers of their relationship with God.
  • Christians that believe the billboards evangelize and glorify God 24/7.
Please help:
  • Warn the lost
  • Revive the lukewarm
  • Inspire the faithful
crusader image
  • San Antonio is the 7th largest city in America (God’s number)
  • San Antonio is the center of a cross that can reach travelers driving from border to border (IH-35 N-S) or coast to coast (IH-10 W-E)
  • Billboards can reach the most people in the shortest amount of time
  • Billboards can reveal evangelical messages to thousands in a day
  • Millions will be exposed to Christianity
  • Sow seeds for a Spiritual Awakening and a Revival


Tax deductible donations can be made by clicking the PayPal button below or mailing a check.

Checks can be mailed to:

Crusaders for Christ
P.O. Box 23127
San Antonio, TX 78223

We thank Clear Channel Outdoor for their outstanding service and support.

May God bless everyone who financially assists with their tax-deductible donations.

The monthly billboard or billboards with their current location will be posted on Facebook: Revival SA